Established: 15 June 2016
Reviewed: 19 June 2019
Date of next Review: 19 June 2022

This statement provides an overview of the Library’s policies regarding access to the Collections and
the Library, including our commitment to equal opportunities in employment.

  1. Statement of General Principles
    The Linen Hall Library is committed to provide the widest possible access to the museum
    collections which it houses, conserves and displays. The Collections are held for everyone
    regardless of age, sex, religion, education, income, residence, or personal circumstances.
    The Library’s aim is to make physical access to the collection as easy as possible for all; to enable
    everyone as far as possible to have access to scholarship and information about the collection;
    and to allow everyone to enjoy and study the collection in as many ways as possible.
    The Linen Hall Library is an equal opportunities employer and complies with all of its legal

  2. Access to the Collection

    Physical Access

    The Library seeks to provide all visitors with equal access to the building, within the constraints
    of a listed building. All future building or refurbishments will provide appropriate physical access
    for all visitors. Expert advice will be sought wherever appropriate.

    Learning about the Collection
    The Library encourages and enables the widest possible audience to access and study the

    Safety in the Building
    Paper 7

    The Library takes account of the needs of all visitors with disabilities in all safety and evacuation
    procedures. Staff are trained in first aid and fire marshal training is given.

    Information and Signage
    Signage is designed and situated to be as legible as possible.

    The Library undertakes to regularly review its methods of communication and to adopt best
    practice in this area, in consultation with specialist organisations, including dementia training
    and awareness.

    Feedback board is available.

  3. Employment and Training
    The Library aims to ensure that its employment practices do not discriminate against people
    with disabilities.

    The Library aims to provide disability awareness training for staff and to consult with specialist
    organisations where appropriate.