It is with the utmost regret that the charitable organisation NIPR – The National Collection of Northern Ireland Publications (Charity Commission for Northern Ireland Registration Number NIC 102555) will cease to exist after 31 August 2023.
The NIPR Board has reached the difficult decision of separating the Collection from the NIPR organisation in order to ensure the Collection’s future. This decision has been taken by the Board as NIPR has been placed in an impossible funding situation, with all funding from the Department for Communities ceasing on 30 June 2023, after a sustained period of reduced funding.

It is the view of the Board that the preservation of the unique Collection is of the utmost importance; this has been supported by our esteemed stakeholders over many years, and the Board are indebted to those who have supported NIPR and its work.
Owing to the withdrawal of Department funding and no alternative funding sources available, the NIPR charitable organisation will cease to function beyond 31 August 2023 and will be wound up and dissolved in line with all stipulations of the NI Charity Commission and NICVA guidelines. The current NIPR Manager will be retained in employment by the NIPR Board to facilitate an orderly winding up of the charity. That role will cease after this necessary work has been completed.
We are indebted to all our stakeholders and partners during the existence of NIPR (the charitable organisation). One such trusted partner has been The Linen Hall, Belfast, with whom we have had a Service Level Agreement. Following discussions with The Linen Hall, both the NIPR Board and The Linen Hall Boards have taken the decision to move the preservation and development of the unique Collection to the care and sole responsibility of The Linen Hall. The NIPR Board has been assured of the commitment of The Linen Hall to preserve and grow the Collection, and to continue to engage with our existing stakeholders and supporters in the future.
For researchers wishing to consult the NIPR Collection, there is no change to access arrangements. It can continue to be consulted via The Linen Hall. For any donations to the NIPR collection after 31 August 2023, however, please liaise directly with The Linen Hall as the NIPR organisation will have ceased. Please contact The Linen Hall via email at