Changemakers: Student and Youth Activism in Northern Ireland

‘Changemakers: Student and Youth Activism in Northern Ireland’ is a special project developed by
The Linen Hall that explores pivotal moments of student activism in Northern Ireland’s history and
spotlights the role of today’s changemakers.

Michael McLaverty Short Story Award 2023 Winners Announced

Tenaya Steed has won the prestigious Linen Hall Michael McLaverty Short Story Award for her story ‘Heavenly Mutha’. The two runners-up are Helena Close for ‘Under the Bridge’ and Ciarán Folan for ‘The Quiet of the Lake’.

Portrait of A House

We are delighted to unveil Portrait of A House, a collection of poems by the esteemed Northern Irish actor and theatre director, James Ellis. This book, a homage to Ellis’s cherished childhood memories, launches on Friday 15th March 2024, coinciding with what would have been his 93rd birthday.

Share Your Experience of Borders and Boundaries

Borders and boundaries come in various forms. They may be physical structures, like peace walls or custom posts, or they may be more psychological or intangible boundaries, like avoiding certain

Borders and Boundaries

The Linen Hall is pleased to announce its latest project, Borders and Boundaries, which includes an exhibition and a programme of events in November and December 2023. Borders and Boundaries

Our June Events at a Glance

Susan Hughes exhibition at The Linen Hall. West Light.

WEST LIGHT Exhibition | 02 June – 30 June | 9.30 am – 5.30 pm | Free Susan Hughes presents a series of atmospheric paintings of breeding seabirds including Arctic

Annual General Meeting

The 233rd Annual General Meeting of the Linen Hall Library (Belfast Library and Society for Promoting Knowledge) will be held at 1.00pm on Thursday 25 May 2023 in The Linen

Origins & Legacies: The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement

'Origins & Legacies: The Belfast/Good Friday Agreement' project at The Linen Hall.

To mark the 25th anniversary of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement, The Linen Hall is launching a new project to explore its origins and legacies. Through an exhibition, a series of events and an oral history project, The Linen Hall will reflect on the processes which led to the accord, the competing sides of the referendum campaign, and its impact.